
My son was born 6years ago, not exactly to the day though, I was still pregnant this day 6years ago and in what I considered then to be one of my heaviest moments, I weighed 75kg (about 15kg less than I weighed at the start of this journey).

I remember having a discussion with friends at antenatal class on what we were going to do to loose all the pregnancy weight post-delivery. I didn’t do any of the exercises we talked about but I did loose some of the weight, due to the psychological and physical stress of having my baby in NICU for 6weeks post-delivery for severe MAS (meconium aspiration syndrome). I gained it all back post-discharge though plus extra.

I wish I had made conscious and consistent effort afterwards to loose the weight.

It’s upsetting that some of us need to struggle to have a weight within the healthy range. I was feeling lazy this morning and didn’t want to get up, I just wanted to lay back and sleep. I made chocolate cake for my babies yesterday and I have to stare at it and remind myself of how much weight I might gain (or not loose) if I eat it. It’s a constant struggle but I have to keep going if I really want to achieve this.

A year from now, I want to be able to look back on this and feel happy that I succeeded at it.

Marching on.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. lilybertyblog says:

    Hope that you will reach your goal 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maryam says:

      I hope so too, thank you.


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