Dear Diary

A lot has changed since I last posted here. Unfortunately, nothing positive in the weight loss direction. In fact, I have gained some more inches around my waist and I’ve been avoiding my scale. I haven’t been working out. I tried to stick with a fruit and vegetable based diet for a few months last…

I can

….and I will. Bi idhnillah!

Leisurely walk with mum today! P.S. My mum loves me in any size, in fact, she thinks I’m perfect in any size😁.

Leisurely walk with mum today! P.S. My mum loves me in any size, in fact she thinks I’m perfect in any size😁.


I’ve been traveling, so working out has been “difficult”. I worked out with my sister today, part walking, part jogging, part running, did less than 2km and then added a bit of cardio. It felt good to workout, it felt great to workout with my sister. Having a partner/partners makes workout fun.


I slept later than usual last night so I started to feel like I needed to go back to sleep right after my morning prayers, although to be honest, sleeping after my morning prayers is normal for me when I don’t have to go to work or prep the kids for school. In fact, to…


Had a walk today. 2.4km in total. Wanted to go further but had to consider my partners, didn’t know they’d be able to go that far, they’re today’s MVPs. Oh yeah, they found something to be fascinated with.😉 Also, it’s interesting the things you’d find in your environment when you change your route. Anyway, off…


My annual leave started today. By September it would be a year since I started this, I wish I could have achieved more than I have so far. I still have a long way to go to achieve my ultimate goal so I’d keep trying no matter how many missteps or disappointments I have along…


I have failed in sustaining the tempo with which I started this journey, and I’m falling back to my old ways, drinking more soda and less water, eating junk and not being as active as I need to be. I have felt guilt. I have felt disappointed in myself. Luckily, I haven’t gained back any…